Sunday, May 15, 2011

Europe & US: Day 7 (May 15, 2011)

Chicago : Sunday

I woke up at 5 am. Early one might say. But you know what? I fell asleep at 4 pm yesterday, all with full clothes (jeans and socks) on, and the TV on…

Had decided to get lay down just for a while. The next thing I knew, it was morning ! True effect of jet lag. But what the heck – it was a Sunday.

The weather continued to be cold and wet. So venturing outdoors was not a plan, unless I was convinced by my Boss to accompany him to downtown Chicago…

The much planned meeting with Ronny Bindra, my batch mate from St. Stephen’s College was also now a big challenge, thanks to conflicting commitments, and the inclement weather. But when the Boss’s flight got cancelled and I knew he wasn’t coming in today, meeting Ronny was now a good opportunity.

Ronny was magnanimous in his offer to drop by, pick me up take me to his home, and drop me back later. Considering his home was a good number of miles away, this WAS a generous offer indeed.

We spent two hours at Ronny’s home, chatting about College old friends, and old times in general. Ronny has done well in his career and in life. He has a huge palatial home in one of the most exclusive suburbs of the United States. He is a dog lover, and has one dedicated car – a Toyota SUV only for his dogs. He uses the vehicle to take his dogs to some place called a ‘dog park’. I got to meet the smaller and therefore potentially less harmful of the two dogs – Caesar –a pug. The other guy - ‘Cash’ a German Shepherd was too aggressive and dangerous, I was told. He doesn’t like anyone on this property –period. Stephanian or no Stephanian… 

DSC04670 Ronny’s beautiful house in Lake Forest, Illinois


The backyard of the house – which extends to well beyond the fence in the background. The fence is for the dogs….


Ronny Bindra with his dogs’ car

Ronny dropped me back at the Hotel in the evening. It was very nice meeting him. Considering the fact that we didn’t know each other in College ! The bonding amongst batch mates extends way beyond personal relationships. Slightly hard to understand I guess.

Dinner’s over and tomorrow is the beginning of a work week. Will sleep early to get up fresh on Monday morning.

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